Visual Arts

ONwards (70x100) 2021

Onwards (70x100, pigment, acrylic binder and pastel chalk) 2021

YouAreFree  Pigment + Acrylic on paper, 1x1,48m

YouAreFree ('COVID relief painting'), 2020

lightweavings (c) cornelia brelowski

lightweavings, 2019

painting "upstream (lift home)"

upstream (lift home), 2018 

threesoul (c) c.brelowski

threesoul, 2017

blizzard bird painting

blizzard bird (protective measures), 2016

up break (2012/13)

thin line (2013)

the turtle (excerpt)

the light

the turtle

the birds

into the deep

earth under water (australia)

4 Elisabeth Bergner Portrait Sketches are currently exhibited at "Le Flaneur",
Greifswalder Str.214

"The Fashion Expression" - This series contains 7 sketches
For more information please send an Email using the feedback form in contact


Cornelia Brelowski is part of the Dowland Ensemble as a singer -
The Dowland Ensemble specialises in early music and consists variably of four to five Musicians
(a consort of Viols and one Lute) and one soprano voice.
The voice in this case is functioning merely as another instrument within the ensemble, instead of being accompanied by it.
This is an idea which has been carried out in renaissance music in its original form a lot.
Discant viol player and consort leader is Christine Brelowski.

Listen to "Go Crystal Tears" by John Dowland (1563-1626) --